Blog by Horizon’s CT Certified Personal Trainer MICHEL!

When it comes to the topic of weight loss or maintenance, everyone’s question is, “What do I eat?” What do I do? Should I eat more salads? More protein? Less carbs?” There are so many ways to answer these questions. But one thing that seems to be prevalent is the positive effect of vegetables on weight loss. Primarily, the dark green leafy ones.

Leafy vegetables are ideal for weight management says CT Personal Trainer Mike. They are low in calorie and dense in nutrients. They reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, due to their low-fat content, high dietary fiber, rich folic acid, dense minerals, and endless names of phytonutrients that scientists continue to further understand. Green leafy vegetables play a role for those who may also be suffering from Type 2 diabetes. Not only will you be less likely to be eating high fat content (watch that salad dressing buddy) but just one extra serving a day is associated with a 10% decrease in in risk of diabetes.

Dark leafy vegetables are also known to be a major source of iron and calcium. Beta carotene (which is converted to Vitamin A) is very present in dark leaves, which helps improve immune function and supports bone growth. These veggies are also a major staple in the digestive system. Have you ever gone out with friends for a night on the town and ended up consuming lots of wings, perhaps a steak and fries, a few beers and sip of your friends cocktail and woke up the next morning with that tight “I wanna use the bathroom, but it just won’t come down feel?” Just about anyone over the age of 21 has been there. But instead of calling out work and feeling the regret of next week’s paycheck, reach in the back of that refrigerator and grab that bag of kale or spinach you’ve been avoiding for the past few weeks. Grab a handful it, throw it in a Ninja blender with some of your favorite fruits and a splash of almond milk and voila. You’ve not only saved yourself a trip to the pharmacy, but you’ve saved yourself some money and the embarrassment of having to explain to your boss why you weren’t going to make it into your shift over the phone.

So there it is. Eat your veggies. You can hear your mother’s voice now. Not only will you be saving yourself a trip to the pharmacy after a blowing your paycheck at Buffalo Wild Wings, you will be helping your body fight disease, promote Vitamins for proper daily function, and help keep that body in tip top shop, just in case you get a text from your best friend about hitting the beach this weekend. No worries! You’ve got this covered!

Michel is a CT Certified Personal Trainer, who here at Horizon demonstrates many different training techniques! Our Horizon staff has a wide range of experience and expertise to help you REACH and OBTAIN your goal! Contact us today for a free consultation and information! 860.628.7776